A Fantasy
April 9, 2023
Creativity is difficult because:
· It is easier to focus upon what we know how to do, so we avoid being creative.
· It is too difficult to push though the “clear your mind stage”
· Fear of making a mistake
· Fear of being wrong
· Fear of embarrassment or humiliation
· We have been educated out of it by schools, teachers, parents
· Creativity is not productive
· I am just not a creative person
· After a success…how am I going to beat that”
Aztec Moon
Here are the five essential ingredients for creativity. I found these five ingredients in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, “Big Magic.” I give her credit for the ideas but not the content.
The first is:
Courage comes from deep within your soul. It is what keeps you moving forward toward your goals.
The second is:
The most amazing work comes from a place of not knowing, from exploration and experimentation. It’s raw, immediate, and unselfconscious. It’s unplanned. It’s an expression of your search for truth.
We need an activity that is beyond the mundane and that takes us out of our established and limiting roles in society (mother, employee, neighbor, brother, boss).
The third is:
Do you need permission from others? Or, does permission come from yourself?
The fourth is:
As artists, we face an infinity of options in the space between doing nothing (represented by 0) and doing something (represented by 1).
The fifth is:
Trusting in nothing but suffering is a dangerous path. Suffering has a reputation for killing off artists. Addiction does not make the artist. You can live a creative life and still be a decent person. Trust love over suffering. Trust in creativity. Believe that as much as you love your work, your creativity loves you back. Trust that inspiration is always trying to work with you. You need to be there to receive it. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.
The most difficult act of creative trust is to put your work out there into the world once you have completed it.