I Ching Orchid

I Ching Orchid

My I Ching Orchid is based on the I Ching Book of Changes, an ancient Chinese book of predictions of what will happen to you in life. It is a little like our horoscope tradition. Whether or not you believe in these predictions, they do impart wisdom in how to live your life. They are connected to the elements of nature such as wind, fire, earth, and water. The Chinese symbols I used represent these elements. I superimposed my orchid on the symbols because it is my favorite flower. Even though orchids don't usually bloom more than once a year, the blooms last for months. I like the fact that they have a long life. My painting wishes you a long and successful life as well. This painting is a 15x22 watercolor and is currently showing at the Sierra Watercolor Society show at the May Museum. It sells for $550.



Tree in the Wind

Tree in the Wind