Another way to explore is to visit a museum, antique store, book store, or second hand store – alone. When you are alone, your thoughts and feelings will come to the surface and react to what you are looking at without the influence of another’s perception. You might find some small thing to purchase that inspires you to create in a new way. Or in a museum, you may see a familiar art piece in an entirely new way. I once went to a showing of Audubon’s bird lithographs and came away with inspiration for my “Goose with Her Golden Egg” mixed media painting that was hung and won an award at the International Acrylic Painters Exhibit. If I had not spent time alone at the exhibit, that painting would not exist. I often go to a local Dollar Store and come away with a variety of materials to use in my collages. Ideas come to mind as I see these common objects in a new way.
A creative life is grown through process. A common saying is “food for thought” but actually, an artist needs thought for food. Walking, observing, absorbing replenishes our over tapped creative well and gives us material to create.