

Here is the third in the series about my parent’s meeting. The first was “Sailor”. My dad at the Long Beach Pike. He was a Pennsylvania country boy who joined the navy just before WWII started. After six years in the navy, he was ready to leave that life and settle down in 1945. The second painting, which I have shown previously, is my parents meeting at a restaurant/bar. My dad asked my mother out for the next night. She was skeptical of a sailor looking to pick up a girl.She said, “If you don’t show up, never call again.” My dad ended up with duty on the ship for the next night and had to pay another sailor to take his place so he could see my mom. Three weeks later they were wed. That was the start of a 50+ year marriage. I arrived the year after they were wed and am here to tell their story. This painting is “Wedding” and sells for $500.

Sunlit Irises II

Sunlit Irises II

